{Fort Wayne, IN Pet Photographer} Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo


I am a LOVER of animals great and small, pets and wild animals alike!
In a perfect world, we would not need or have zoos… wild animals would run and live free in the WILD! I do believe that most zoos really care for and love their animals – I know that our zoo, here in Fort Wayne, Indiana, does really care about the animals. Many of our zoo animals were acquired because the animal was injured or abandoned and therefore would not have survived in the wild – once again I have mixed feelings about zoos in general. Like many zoos, The Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo also has many opportunities to educate the public(adults and kids) to love and respect animals great and small!

I support our zoo in many ways – we are members and I also donate some of my work each year to an auction during their annual gala called Zoobilee!
I donate Gallery Wraps of my work – images of animals from our zoo – then all the proceeds go to the zoo!
This was a record year(2013) – one of my gallery wraps auctioned for $500! I am honored to be a partner with the zoo and love to support them in this way!

Below is the link to my proofing website – I will continually add Fort Wayne Zoo images to my proofing website – so check back often!
Feel free to contact me with specific animal requests(I still have many more images archived that I need to add to my proofing website). Also, if you would like to know the date/year of a specific image, please contact me!

use passcode:   fwzoo


P.S. This is my first(of many more to come) official “blog post” – meaning I am including writing with my photo posts… remember, I am a photographer NOT a writer! I am sure you will find many errors regarding my spelling and grammar… forgive me – I am just a photographer!

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